Norfolk Sunrise FAQ's

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Q:      I’d like to get an idea of what Norfolk Sunrise does in our community.  Can I get a list of local projects Norfolk Sunrise has supported or undertaken?
A:      Go to the “Norfolk Sunrise Working Locally” page on our club website (link is on left in the Site Pages box).  The page contains photos of some of our projects and links to listings of local projects by year.   You can find similar information about our international activities by going to the “Norfolk Sunrise Working Internationally” site page
Q:   How much does it cost to be a member of the Rotary Club of Norfolk Sunrise?
A:  The total cost of membership in the Rotary Club of Norfolk Sunrise includes annual dues and meeting fees. 
  • The membership fee structure changes from time to time, but will include an annual fixed fee, quarterly meeting fees, and some discretionary fees depending upon which special events members attend.
  • Members pay dues to Rotary International, Rotary District 7090 and the Rotary Club of Norfolk Sunrise.  These dues are normally billed annually, and in the Rotary year 2017-18 totaled $265.
  • Members also pay a meeting fee to cover the cost of meals and venue.  The meeting fee in Rotary year 2017-18 was $10 per scheduled meeting, and approximately 32 meetings were held (total cost approx. $320).  
  • For some special meetings, if the member attends, (e.g. the Annual Changeover, Paul Harris Evening, etc.) there may be a supplementary fee to cover added meeting costs.
Members may incur additional costs (at their discretion) to attend various Rotary events, to participate in Happy Dollars and Sgt @ Arms, and to support the Rotary Foundation.


Q: There was an error in the information about me in the latest Club Directory circulated to all members.  How can it be corrected?

A: You are in complete control of your ClubRunner personal profile yourself and know best what it should include.  It’s easy for you to edit your profile.  To edit info yourself just:

  • go to our club website ( and click on log in
  • enter your password (or if you don’t know it click on New and existing users: retrieve login and/or reset password  , follow the instructions and you’ll  get an email that will tell you how to login
  • once logged in click on the Edit My Profile link at the top of the My ClubRunner box
  • your Member Profile will appear
  • Edit away – you can change your photo, edit personal details, your Rotary history, biographical information, club commitments, settings and privacy preferences

All members should regularly review and update their profiles as they form the basis of Club Directories and Contact lists periodically circulated to all members.  Ideally the club directories available to all members anytime on our website will include the latest and most up to date contact information for club members.

Q:  How do I log in to the club’s Members' Only section of our website?

A:  Go to our club website ( and click on Login in the Welcome box (upper right).    You should go to the Login page.  Enter your name (Joe Smith) and password.   If you don’t know or have forgotten your password click on New and existing users: retrieve login and/or reset password .  You’ll be taken to the

"Retrieve Login Information" page.  Enter your surname and e-mail addresses where indicated and click submit.  In a few minute you should receive an e-mail from ClubRunner with login instructions.  Consider checking the “Remember Me” box to make future logins simpler.


Q:  Where can I get an up to date Directory of Club members?

A: Member directories are available to all members on line (provided you know where to look).  To get to one, just login on the club website and you will be taken to the Administration page.  About mid way down in the My ClubRunner box you will find 2 club directories listed:

·         View Club Directory  and

·         View Club Photo Directory


Click on the first and you will get a simplified directory listing all active and honorary club members with basic contact information (phone numbers & email addresses).  If you want you can e-mail directly to any member from this list.  If you want a hard copy, just highlight the whole list and copy/paste into a document you can print.


Click on the second and a photo directory will show up.  And it should be up to date.  If your entry is not up to date (or you are not happy with the mug shot that is there), you can update the information and put in a better photo yourself.  All you need to do is click on the Edit My Profile link at the top of the My ClubRunner box and start editing your profile.


To get a printed copy of the photo directory, it’s the same deal – highlight, copy, paste and print.  I’ve attached a pdf file of the club directory as it exists today.   It may change any time as members update their profiles and as our membership changes (as new members join and others unfortunately leave)


Q:  Is there somewhere I can find copies of Sunriser Bulletins I have missed or accidentally deleted from my email in box?

A:  Yes.  Our Sunriser Bulletins are archived in the members’ only section of the club website (  Club members can find them by logging in, click on “View Club Documents” and explore the “Sunriser” file which includes most editions going back to the fall of 2011.  Non members can contact the Bulletin Editor or any active member for past issues.  If you have copies of missing Sunriser editions, please forward them to the Editor to be added to the archives.  The Bulletins tell an important part of the Norfolk Sunrise Story.

Q:  Where can I get logos and letterhead that I can use for posters or letters?

A:  Go to our club website ( and login.   You should come to the Administration page.  Click on “View Club Documents”.  You should go to the Club Documents page.  Find and click on the Club and Rotary Logo file icon.  Open and use the item you want.  If you can’t find what you need, please call someone and learn how to do this.

Q:  Can I send e-mails to Club members from the Norfolk Sunrise Website?

A:  Yes and the ClubRunner email service  is very easy to use. It includes up to date e-mail addresses of all members, past members, and other friends of Norfolk Sunrise. You can even create custom distribution lists to make emailing easier.  To use the service:

  1. Go to the club’s webpage - 
  2. Log in (upper right corner of the Home page.  Enter your name (e.g. Joan Doe) and Password. Don’t know your password – click on the “ New and existing users - Retrieve your password “ link, fill in the blanks,  and you’ll get one by e-mail 
  3. Once logged in you will be taken to the secure “Admin” area (lots of interesting stuff to explore here).  From the “Admin” page you can get to the Email message Center in a couple of ways:
a.      Click on the “Communication” tab (3rd from left) and then click on “Email Services” or
b.       Scroll down until you see “Email Message Center” in the ”My ClubRunner” box.   Click on “Email Message Center”
    4.  You should now be at the “Club Email List” page.  This page lists all message you have sent using this service. 

    5.  To create and send a message click on “Compose new message” you’ll see a section to compose your message. 

a.      Type it in, or paste it from somewhere else (hint – cut and paste is much easier)

b.       add attachments if any

c.        select your recipients from the distribution lists on the right (e.g. Active & Honorary Members, 2012-13 Board members, committee members etc).  You can send to everyone on the lists, individuals from the lists or even create your own distribution list.

d.      Choose your email options - step 4 (hint –if going to multiple recipients  check “Send a list of recipients” box.

6.  To send your email immediately, click on “send”.  To schedule your e-mail to be sent sometime in the future, enter the date and time you want the message to     be sent (Step 5) and click on “ send .“
