Speaker Series '21 - Indigenous Voices

Jointly Presented by the
Rotary Club of Norfolk Sunrise
Grace United Church, Port Dover
Scheduled Guest Speakers - see detailed listing as shown below.
September 29 - Amos Key Jr; Building Respectful Relations and Understanding;
October 13 - Bryant Peters; What do you Need to Know about the Indian Act;
October 27 - Steven Greyeyes; National Centre for Truth and Re-conciliation; Residential Schools: History and Reconciliation; and
November 10 - Rene Thomas-Hill; Six Nations Elder; Living in Two Worlds
All programs begin at 7:00 p.m. on alternating Wednesdays.
This speaker series will be available on Zoom on a pre-registration, pre-payment basis - after successful registration, the zoom link(s) will be provided to you.
Pre-Registration and Proceeds
Suggested minimum donation is $10.00 per lecture.
After disbursements, the net proceeds are to be used to support the Mohawk Village Memorial Park, at 7091 Townline Road, Scotland, Ontario.N0E 1R0
Registered Charitable Status with CRA: Business # 752614529 RR0001
Registered Charitable Status with CRA: Business # 752614529 RR0001
This community park is being constructed to honor former Mohawk Institute Indian Residential School students. The park is located on 5 acres of land on the grounds of the former Residential School in Brantford.
Additional information is available at www.norfolksunrise.org
Electronic pre-registration, pre-payment is required.
How to Register
To pay the $10 per lecture by eTransfer (of course, additional donation funding would be entirely appropriate and most welcomed):
direct funds from your personal banking account to treasurer.rcns1@gmail.com
There is a 'message box' available at the Bottom of your eTransfer; in this 'message box' you are asked to indicate the dates of the specific lectures that you are making pre-payment for.
Our Special Guest Speakers
Are you concerned by the news of unmarked graves at residential schools? Are you feeling like you need to know more?
Grace United Church in conjunction with Rotary Club of Norfolk Sunrise is sponsoring a speaker series called Indigenous Voices.
Scheduled for alternate Wednesdays starting at 7pm Sept 29.
The series is intended to inform people by having informed indigenous speakers talk to us directly.
ept 29

Amos Key Jr. Amos is a member of Mohawk Nation, gifted into the Turtle Clan of his Mother and conferred to the Sacred Circle of Faith Keepers of the Longhouse, at Six Nations of Grand River Territory in Ontario, Canada. Amos Key Jr. has become an educator and staunch advocate for: Indigenous Human, Civil and Linguistic Rights; Social Justice; the Decolonization of Indigenous Education and, the Emancipation of Indigenous Peoples in Canada.

Bryant Peters is an executive consultant from the Anishinabe Sandy Bay Ojibway First Nation and Professor of Indigenous Studies for General Arts and Science as well as Conservation and Environmental Law Enforcement at Fleming College. Bryant is the founder of the Debwewin Justice Committee. Bryant will address “What you need to know about the Indian Act” To understand the current status of relations between the government and First Nations, the Indian Act is key since it impacts so much of indigenous life and yet is virtually unknown to non- indigenous people. Bryant will talk about the history of the Indian act and how it affects life today.
ct 27

Steven Greyeyes is the Education Coordinator for the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation. Trained as a history and native studies teacher, he will be speaking on the work of the Truth and reconciliation with the title “Residential Schools- History and Reconciliation” Steven is an Indigenous educator from Muskeg Lake Cree Nation in Saskatchewan. Living in Winnipeg, he has worked in public education and corporate training for over fifteen years. The presentation will explore the history of residential schools, unmarked grave recoveries, settlement agreement, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and reconciliation today. Attendees are encouraged to ask questions and bring diverse views to discuss. This is a safe learning environment for discussion.

Elder Renee Thomas-Hill is an educator, elder, grandmother living on Six Nations near Brantford. She currently is an Elder-in-Residence at McMaster University and Six Nations Polytech. She is co-founder of Grandmothers Voices on facebook/youtube. She is a traditional Wellness coordinator and Storyteller.
As an Haudenosaunee Woman, she is responsible to carry on the teachings of "Our" Way of Life. She is to carry on the message of Peace Power and Righteousness; is a Traditional Counsellor/Healer (Addiction Treatment Centre); and has Traditional knowledge of our plants/foods/medicine. Renee is also a grandmother and auntie to many. "My walk in life, is to share awareness and the uplifting of the spirit through the teachings of Our Mother, the Earth and the Understanding of the Good Mind."
As an Haudenosaunee Woman, she is responsible to carry on the teachings of "Our" Way of Life. She is to carry on the message of Peace Power and Righteousness; is a Traditional Counsellor/Healer (Addiction Treatment Centre); and has Traditional knowledge of our plants/foods/medicine. Renee is also a grandmother and auntie to many. "My walk in life, is to share awareness and the uplifting of the spirit through the teachings of Our Mother, the Earth and the Understanding of the Good Mind."