


All around the world thousands of people are demonstrating their commitment to End Polio Now by contributing their photo to the World’s Biggest Commercial ( Please consider adding your photo to this world wide effort. 


Here in Norfolk County, the 3 local Rotary Clubs (Norfolk Sunrise, Simcoe and Delhi) are working together highten awarness of the final push to rid the world of polio by creating a series of “End Polio Now – Norfolk Cares” posters highlighting Norfolk residents and our Rotary friends demonstrating their support for the world wide Rotary efforts together with its partners to finally rid the planet of this dread disease. Each Poster includes photos of 44 individuals in the “This Close” pose.

Click on the Poster links on the left to view see your family members, friends and neighbours showing their commitment to “End Polio Now”.  Visit the "Norfolk Says End Polio Now" site at

If you would like to add your photo(s) to future posters please contact Bill Clevette ( or any Delhi, Norfolk Sunrise or Simcoe Rotarian.




