Hello Rotary Walkers, I am proposing we do our Coldest Night of the Year (CNOY) walk on Saturday, February 26. It is the date on which all the walks are taking place. This gives us about a month to drum up some financial support for Youth Unlimited Norfolk. I have registered our team with Coldest Night of the Year as Rotary Norfolk Sunrise Brrrr Team. Please go to https://cnoy.org/register. After you’ve registered under our team name, you will be given the opportunity to create a link that you can then email and/or post on Face Book or Instagram where people can just click and then make a donation attributed to your name. If you don’t want to make the link, just ask people to go to the Coldest Night of the Year 2022 website https://cnoy.org/home and search for your name and/or our team name to donate/sponsor you. I have set a team goal of $2000. Based on the number of people who indicated an interest in walking, we have at least 13 people on the team. I am hoping we can recruit more. Your family and friends are more than welcome to join our Rotary team and walk with us in person or do a virtual walk and join us in spirit.
n light of our recent donation to the Waterford Trail and the new bridge, I think we should walk that circuit so we can all see and enjoy where some of our hard earned funds were spent. Andy K is going to map out a couple of routes so you can do a @ 5 km walk or a @ 2 km walk but, honestly, do as much or as little as you want. There are no rules! I will make sure to have hot chocolate available.

Date: February 26, 2022 Time: 1:00 p.m.
Start at: The silos (with the murals Dan Avey talked about) at the end of Nichol Street in Waterford. Additional parking at the Waterford Heritage and Agricultural Museum.
Dan is doing some amazing work with the youth of Norfolk County. Let’s get behind this and send some serious $s to Youth Unlimited Norfolk. And, we’ll be seeing each other in person, we can reintroduce ourselves.
Captain Cathy also notes that there's an added incentive to raise $150 each... From the website:
CNOY ToquesOur thanks for a fundraising job well done!
When you go the extra mile and fundraise ($150 for adults, $75 for youth under 17 or under) we'll celebrate your efforts with an oh-so-comfy 2022 CNOY Toque.