The Rotary Club of Norfolk Sunrise in partnership with the Port Dover Royal Canadian Legion Branch #158, started this draw on 02 Jan, 2020. Owing to the pandemic, it had to be stopped it twice and was eventiually restarted under very controlled, county-approved procedures - in the end, it proved to be worth the time and effort it took finally find this ace.
Over $20,000 was given out to weekly winners; $ 30,000 was given to the grand prize winner (in this case Bev Wood) and and the remaining$50,000 collected will be put back into the community for the benefit of selected Norfolk County recipients - with the help of the RCNS, everyone is a winner in this authorized game-of-chance contest. Have a look at the "Read more ..." tab to see a list of the lucky winners.
We want to thank everyone involved for the support needed to bring this, our fourth licence to such a dramatic and successful close.