On Tuesday morning, 01 Oct '24, Co-Pres Ross Gowan welcomed our guest speakers from the Norfolk-Haldimand Community Hospice - Maureen Russell (Programs Coordinator) and Shannon Porter (Board Member). At our hybrid (ie live attendance at R83 with zoom remote attendance) session, they spoke to us about the current status and projected future of the Hospice. Maureen described her role as a proponent for the initiative as well as she noted her work with those in need of this community service; in particular with the affected children. Shannon provided his knowledge of the design and funding aspects of the proposed 10-bed facility. Together, we were left with a very strong and positive message about the future of this initiative. The project is indeed in good hands.
More information about the Community Hospice may be found by clicking here.
Following a question period, Keith Jones thanked our speakers for their passionate approach to addressing this important community need. Co-Pres Ross offered several related remarks concerning our Club's past support of this project was well as our potential interest in its future.