On Tuesday, 02 Nov, Mary Mercato welcomed Jim Dover as our Guest Speaker. Via Zoom, he spoke to us about the community work he and his group are undertaking as related to the Port Dover Waterfront Preservation initiatives - see the "Read more ..." tab for additional information. Photos may be seen by Clicking Here.
In appreciation for Jim's presentation to us, Marjorie Dawson offered our thanks for an informative presentation and noted that we had contributed funds in his name, to our Operation EyeSight project; this to restore the vision of a senior in India.

Jim Dover is currently Vice President of the Port Dover Waterfront Preservation Association and Project Manager for the Silver Lake Revitalization Project – Phase 1.  Jim has served on the Board of Directors for Norfolk General Hospital and ROWONTARIO, Ontario’s governing body for the sport of rowing. Jim was a founding member of the Silver Lake Rowing Club. 

Jim recently retired after a 35 year career in human resources management. He has chosen to focus his volunteer efforts on improving the public’s physical and visual access to Port Dover’s waterfront that includes Silver Lake. Despite his last name, Jim currently resides in Simcoe.


Reference - www.portdoverwaterfront.ca

With Misner Dam now repaired, the Port Dover Waterfront Preservation Association is leading the community-based effort to revitalize and secure Silver Lake and its wetland for the community.

The Objectives of the Silver Lake Revitalization Project are to:

  1. Improve fish and wildlife habitat

  2. Improve water quality

  3. Manage sedimentation

  4. Provide recreational and educational opportunities

  5. Improve the public’s physical and visual access

  6. Achieve our Objectives in a sustainable manner

The President of the Port Dover Waterfront Preservation Association Chairs the Silver Lake Revitalization Project Steering Committee made up of representatives from the Port Dover Lions Club, Long Point World Biosphere Reserve, Port Dover Board of Trade, Port Dover Yacht Club, Port Dover Harbour Authority and Amy Martin Councillor, Ward 6 Norfolk County.
