With her eloque
nce and her impassioned reflection on so many of the issues facing our indigenous peoples, Dawn completely captured our attention. For a brief moment in our time, she became the "spirit of the hummingbird". Hers was a message we will not soon forget; a message drawing out many reflections from several of our Club members with many more going felt, but unstated.

Following the speech and the discussion, Gail Catherwood thanked Dawn (and Lorelei) for joining us so early in the morning. She commented on a connection between what we had been left thinking about and the upcoming Mothers Day noting that in appreciation for the message, we had restored the vision of someone in India as a art of our Operation EyeSight program.

FPHL Vision Statement:
The First Peoples House of Learning (FPHL) is honoured to offer cultural services to a diverse community of Indigenous learners (First Nations Status, Non-Status, Métis and Inuit). We collaborate with students to support their academic success, personal development and leadership potential.
FPHL embodies the Indigenous worldview of education as a ceremony of learning. We nurture a community that recognizes the voices and spirits of our students.