On Tuesday morning, 05 Mar 2024, and on our collective behalves, Paul Zorad welcomed Cara Clairman as our Guest Speaker. At our hybrid (ie live attendance at R83 with zoom remote attendance) session, she spoke to us about 'Plug'n Drive'; an organization devoted to the promotion of electric vehicles. More specifically, she discussed a range of issues related to the national goal of increasing EV ownership including the merits of going electric as well as the support her organization offers to those contemplating such a decision ... all-in-all a very convincing presentation!
More information about the 'Plug 'n Drive' initiative may be found by clicking here. Biographical notes for Cara are at the 'Read more ...' tab below.
Following a 'charge' of related questions,  Paul (with his own personal interest in the topic) offered RCNS appreciation for a most relevant presentation - well done, Cara.


Cara Clairman - President and CEO Plug’n Drive Plugndrive.ca

Cara Clairman is President and CEO of Plug’n Drive, a non-profit that is accelerating the deployment of EVs to maximize their environmental and economic benefits. In just over three years, Cara has taken Plug’n Drive from an idea to a thriving non-profit, recognized as a leader in the EV space. Cara has more than 20 years of experience working in the environmental and sustainability fields, including 12 years working at Ontario Power Generation, initially as OPG’s environmental lawyer and later in the role Vice President of Sustainable Development. As VP of SD, she was responsible for oversight of OPG’s environmental performance and the development and implementation of OPG’s sustainabledevelopment policies and programs. Prior to joining OPG, Cara spent five years practicing environmental law with the Torys law firm. She holds a Bachelor of Laws from Osgoode Hall and a Masters in Environmental Studies from York University, as well as an Honours Bachelor of Science degree from Queen’s University. Cara is currently driving the 100% electric Nissan Leaf as her personal car and the 100% electric Mitsubishi i-Miev for business.
