On Tuesday morning, 19 Mar 2024, and on our collective behalves, Gail Catherwood welcomed Ken Carey as our Guest Speaker. At our hybrid (ie live attendance at R83 with zoom remote attendance) session, he spoke to us about the St Lawrence Seaway; the system, its history, achievements and future. Ken, as a senior Real-estate Business Manager, was particularly interesting as he covered economic impacts and investments into the future.
More information about the Great Lakes, St Lawrence Seaway System may be found by clicking here.
After many questions, Paul Zorad concluded with words of appreciation for a well-constructed, well-delivered and very interesting briefing.

The Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Seaway was built as a binational partnership between the U.S. and Canada, and continues to operate as such.

Administration of the system is shared by two entities, Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation in the U.S., a federal agency within the U.S. Department of Transportation, and The St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation in Canada, a not-for-profit corporation (ownership of the Canadian portion of the Seaway remains with the Canadian federal government.)
