he Dragons came and they did not disappoint, nor did the weather on Sunday, June 25th on the waters of Shadow Lake, Waterford, ON. The Rotary Club of Norfolk Sunrise (RCNS) and the Cancer Support and Resource Program of Norfolk (CSRP) hosted a Dragon Boat Festival that boasted 23 teams from all over Ontario. Many teams showed their fiery spirit with shirts featuring their team names; all together they made for a colourful display. Whether part of a seasoned team or novice enthusiasts, all participants paddled with great heart and all left the water with their pulse rate just a tad higher than when they stepped foot in their boat.

For a complete reckoning of the event along with participant, race results and photos, please visit our Invasion of the Dragons website. For a series of stories and many connected photos/videos, feel welcome to visit our FaceBook page.
Food trucks featuring fresh and tasty foods, vendors selling freshly brewed, locally roasted coffee, and dragon themed slushies and snacks kept participants nourished and hydrated throughout the day. Teams came with family, friends, shade tents, and blankets, decked out for a day of activity and fun. The crowd kept the beat of fun and fellowship off the water rocking to a live DJ playing music all day long. 

Go to the 'Read more ...' tab for more on this story, the winners, our gratitude and a couple of great video clips of the event.
Until next year - Paddles Up! (or maybe down for a wee rest)
Many spectators came by and parked a chair by the water to watch the races. Others out for a walk or bike ride through the park were surprised by the event and some lingered a little longer than planned to stop for lunch. Some great memories were taken in the Dragon Boat photo booth. As teams raced and progressed throughout the day they were slotted into 8 final divisions where 2 or 3 boats raced for bragging rights. The first place team of each division were awarded medals to remember their victory by. Participants dropped by the Sunrise tent throughout the day to share with us how much they enjoyed the day.and planned to return next year. That was welcome feedback for the two groups having spent considerable time organizing the event.
The most significant take away from this event is that all the monies raised remain in our community. The RCNS and the CSRP have great plans to ensure those funds are spent wisely.
The Winning Team

This was the sort of event where everyone won; not least of which was the Norfolk community. Nonetheless, it was a race and there were 8 divisional winners (see accompanying table). In the end, The Dragonflies prevailed as first among equals. They become the team to be slayed next year!

A huge thank you to everyone who helped to organize and execute this day, it wouldn’t have been possible without you!
The core organizing group from RCNS (Gail Catherwood, Carol Mummery, Andy Kooistra, Cathy Harrop & Joanne Kiefer - see photo to the left) would like to thank our major sponsors (MHN Lawyers, The Frederick Family, The Audrey S Hellyer Charitable Foundation, CTM Insurance Co as well as the Wanda & Scott Memorial Golf Tournament), the many community groups that supported us, as well as our huge number of spirited volunteers for the success we have achieved and the fun that they had. Our printed ’thank you’ hardly seems equal to the task.
See a great promotional clip of the event as produced by RoseLe Studio of Simcoe.
See a short video clip of the Cancer Survivor Boat & Ceremony by the following clip as produced by RoseLe Studio.